We are so excited to announce a new perk that has been added to our current membership packages

Drum roll please…introducing the Mystery Membership Perk! 

Here are the details:

We’ve partnered with local businesses in Columbus, Cleveland, and Indianapolis to bring exclusive offers to our members - every month! On the first, we will announce that month’s business partner and special promo. 

Members will be encouraged to redeem the promo quickly because the offer is valid for that month only! Once the month ends, so does the perk. 

We are so excited to highlight our partners in various industries. Here’s a hint: Beauty, fitness, sustainability, food…the possibilities are endless.

How do I get access to the Mystery Perk?

If you are a current member, check your inbox! We’ve emailed you details on this month’s perk.

Not a member? Sign up now! 

Questions? We’ve got you covered. Email info@thewnailbar.com and our team will be in touch!
